Research ⸻

⸻ Journal

Research ⸻

⸻ Journal

Archives of Design Research (ADR)
A Comparison of the Conceptual Attributes between the Korean and Chinese Traditional Closets Using the SD MethodKim Hyun-jung and Choi Kyung-ran 2010
디자인학연구 - 현대인의 한(韓)·중(中) 전통수납장에 대한 의미와 인식 특성 비교김현정,and 최경란

Korea Society of Basic Design & Art

A Comparative Study of Korean and Chinese Traditional Housing, Focusing on Windows and Doors

Heo Yoon-sil, Kim Myoung and Choi Kyung-ran
 - 한국과 중국의 전통 주거 내 창호에 관한 비교연구허윤실,김명,and 최경란

A Study of the Correlation of Food Environment and Tools in the Late Joseon Dynasty

Chung Mi-sun and Choi Kyung-ran 2010
 - 조선후기 식환경 및 식도구의 상호관계에 관한 연구정미선,and 최경란

A Study of the Characteristics of House-typed Building Design in the Palace in the Late Joseon Dynasty

Lee Hye-won and Choi Kyung-ran 2010
 - 조선후기 궁궐內 주택형건축의 意匠 특징에 관한 연구이혜원,and 최경란

Architectural Institute of Korea

A Study of the Nature Pursuit Technique of ‘Jung-Ja’ Architecture on Waterfront in Choson Dynasty

Kim Sang-hyup and Choi Kyung-ran
 - 조선시대 수변정자건축의 자연추구기법 연구김상협,and 최경란

Oriental Culture & Design Center, Kookmin University

A Study on Traditional Housing Built-In Closets and Wardrobe Spaces - Focused on Kyung-buk area’s Ahn-Chae and Sarang-Chae

Shin Hyung-jin and Choi Kyung-ran
국민대학교 동양문화디자인연구소
 - 전통가옥 벽장·반침 공간의 해석을 통한 유형화  :  경북지역 반가의 안방, 사랑방을 중심으로
신형진,and 최경란