Research ⸻

⸻ Journal

Research ⸻

⸻ Journal

Korean Institute of Interior Design
A Study on the Characteristics of Phenomenal Transparency of the Spatial Interrelation in the Architecture of the Moonru Multi Roofs - Focused on Interrelation between Seo Won Gate-House and Temple Gate-House in the Architecture Entities of the Moonru Multi roofs -Ryu In-hye, Park Jin-a, An Eun-hee and Choi Kyung-ran 2011
 - 현상적 투명성의 개념을 통한 문루건축 공간의 상호 연계성 연구류인혜,박진아,안은희,and 최경란

Korea Society of Basic Design & Art

A Comparative Study on the Design Character in Traditional Palaces of Korea, China and Japan: Focusing on the Symbolism of the Decoration and the Pattern

Kim Myoung and Choi Kyung-ran
- 한중일 궁궐건축 지붕부 의장특성 비교연구 : 장식, 패턴의 상징성을 중심으로김명,and 최경란

A Comparative Study on Characteristics of Windows & Doors of Dwelling of Royal Family in Joseon Dynasty Period and Ming,Qing Dynasty Period: Focusing on Windows & Doors of UnHyeongGung and GongWangBu

Heo Yoon-sil, Choi Kyung-ran and Lim Sun-u
 - 한(韓),중(中) 왕가 주거 내(內) 창호의 형상적 특성에 관한 비교연구: 윤현궁과 공왕부의 사례를 중심으로허윤실 ,최경란 ,and 임선우

Korea Furniture Society

Directing and Design for Promotion Display Fair of an Ecological Park, ‘Sky Park’

Wee Han-lim, Choi Kyung-ran and Chung Mi-sun 2011
 - 친환경 생태공원 ‘하늘공원’의 홍보를 위한 전시 연출 및 디자인
위한림,최경란 ,and 정미선

Korea Society of Design Science

Research on Design Characteristics of Chinese Decorative Patterns in Terms of Their Compositional Elements

Gao Cheng-Lin, Chae Soo-ahn, Choi Kyung-ran and Lim Sun-u
 - 중국 장식문양의 구성요소에 따른 디자인 특성 연구고성림,채수안,최경란,and 임선우

A Study of the Type of Adornments and Symbolic Characters in 'Sahabwon' Exterior Decoration in China - In the Case of the Beijing and Shans's town 'Sahabwon'

Lim Sun-u, Choi Kyung-ran and Sung Yun-jung 
 - 중국 사합원의 외부장식 유형과 상징적 특성 분석 = 북경과 산서성 사합원을 사례로임선우,최경란,and 성윤정

A Spatial-Sociological Analysis of Dining Space in Upper Class Housing during the Late Joseon Dynasty

Lee Ji-young and Choi Kyung-ran 2011
 - 조선후기 중부지역 상류주택 내 식(食)공간 구성에 대한 공간사회학적 의미분석이지영,and 최경란

Korea Society of Basic Design & Art

The Behavioral Characteristics of a Small Portable Dining Table in the Joseon Dynasty Period

Sung Yun-jung, Choi Kyung-ran and Kim Chae-yeong
 - 조선시대 소반 디자인의 사용 행태 특성성윤정,최경란,and 김채영

The Korean Housing Association

Research into the Connections between the Sarangche of the Chosun Dynasty and Modern Residential Work Spaces

Noh Jin-hee, Choi Kyung-ran and Sung Yun-jung 2011
 - 조선시대 사랑채와 현대주거 내 업무공간의 연계성 연구노진희,최경란,성윤정

Korea Society of Design Science

Spatial Analysis of the Sarang-Chae of the Chosun Era for Each Type of User Domain

Moon Jung-jun, Choi Kyung-ran and Park Jin-a
 - 조선시대 사랑채 유형별 사용자의 영역에 따른 공간 분석문정준,최경란,and 박진아

Korea Society of Basic Design & Art

A Study on Traditional Housing Built-In Closets and Wardrobe Spaces - focused on Kyung-buk area’s Ahn-Chae and Sarang-Chae

Shin Hyung-jin and Choi Kyung-ran
 - 전통가옥 벽장·반침 공간의 해석을 통한 유형화 -경북지역 반가의 안방,사랑방을 중심으로신형진,and 최경란

Korea Society of Design Science

Research on the Characteristics of Types and Spatial Usage of Machiya

Seo Soo-yeon, Choi Kyung-ran and Park Jin-a
- 일본 마찌야(町家)의 유형과 공간 사용상의 특성 연구서수연,최경란,and 박진아

Korea Furniture Society

An Analysis Study on the Children Furniture Design and Display Space in Italy - Focused on the Color Harmony Theory of Wilhelm Ostwald and Faber Birren

Ahn Hye-ryoun and Choi Kyung-ran 2011
- 이태리 아동 가구 디스플레이 공간 색채 분석안혜련,and 최경란

Korea Society of Design Science

A Study on the Characteristic in Eating Life Space from the View Point of Confucianism

Sung Yun-jung, Choi Kyung-ran and Lim Sun-u
 - 유가 사상으로 본 식생활 공간의 특성 연구성윤정,최경란,and 임선우

Korea Society of Design Trend

A Change of Kitchen and Kitchen Design Depending on the Period Values

Jin Ae-ri and Choi Kyung-ran
- 시대적 가치관에 따른 주방 및 주방 디자인 변화진애리 ,and 최경란

Korea Association of Industrial Designers

Consumer Oriented Office Design - Focused on Sales Department -

Kwon Soo-beom, Choi Kyung-ran
- 소비자 중심의 오피스 디자인 - 영업직군을 대상으로권수범,and 최경란

Korea Society of Basic Design & Art

A Comparative Study on Characteristics of Windows & Doors of Dwelling of Royal Family in Joseon Dynasty Period and Ming·Qing Dynasty Period : Focusing on Windows & Doors of UnHyeongGung and GongWangBu

Heo Yoon-sil, Choi Kyung-ran and Lim Sun-u
- 韓·中 왕가 주거 內 창호의 형상적 특성에 관한 비교연구 : 운현궁과 공왕부의 사례를 중심으로허윤실,최경란,and 임선우

Korea Society of Design Science

A Comparative Analysis of Spatial Configuration Using Space Syntax - Case Study of Old Dwelling of Korean and Japanese

Park Jin-a and Choi Kyung-ran
 - 공간구문론을 이용한 한일 공간구조분석과 특성 비교 연구 = 민가(民家)와 마찌야(町家)를 대상으로박진아,and 최경란

Korea Furniture Society

Design Direction of the Furniture and Products in the Bathroom Space in Aging Societies

Kim Jee-min and Choi Kyung-ran 2011
 - 고령화시대 욕실공간에서의 가구 및 제품 디자인방향
김지민,and 최경란

Multi-Functional Furniture Design in Small Living Space

Kim Hyun-jung, Choi Kyung-ran and Sung Yun-jung

김현정,최경란,and 성윤정

Children’s Bent Wooden Chair Design Using High Frequency Heating Molding Techniques - Focused on Change of Kindergarten Environment -

Ryu Eun-seok, Choi Kung-ran and Sung Yun-jung

류은석,최경란,and 성윤정

A Study on Versatile Chair Design Reflecting Users’ Behavior

Kim Gwang-hee, Choi Kyung-ran and Sung Yun-jung

김광희,최경란,and 성윤정

Korea Society of Design Science

The Spatial Characteristics of the Traditional Housing of 15-19 Century Korea and China : Focusing on Houses of Nobility in Joseon Dynasty Period and Siheyuan Housing in MingᆞQing Dynasty Period,

 Choi Kyung-ran, Liu Tie-Jun, Heo Yoon-sil and Park Jin-a 2011
- 15 - 19세기 韓·中 전통 주거에 나타난 공간 특성 연구-조선시대 반가와 명ㆍ청시대 북경 사합원을 중심으로
최경란,류태준,허윤실,and 박진아