Institute of Science Culture, Exhibition and Design, SEOULTECH
| A Study on the Living Furniture Utilizing Traditional Wooden Furniture Manufacturing Technics - Focused on Manufacturing Technique of Structural Aspects,
| Yoo Jin-kyung, Park Yu-jeong and Choi Kyung-ran
| 2015 |
서울과학기술대학교 과학문화전시디자인연구소
| - 한국 전통목가구 제작기법을 활용한 생활가구에 관한 연구
| 유진경,박유정,and 최경란
| The Study on the Relationship between Chinese and Kitchen Storage Space
| Xu Yue and Choi Kyung-ran
| 2015 |
- 현대 중국 식문화와 주방수납공간의 관계성에 대한 연구
| 서월 ,and 최경란
| A Comparative Study on Application of Material in Traditional Residents of Korea, China and Japan - Focusing on Representative Upper-Class House | Kim Hwi-kyung and Choi Kyung-ran
| 2015 |
- 한,중,일 전통주거의 재료적용 특성 비교 연구 -각국 대표 상류주택을 중심으로- | 김휘경 ,and 최경란
Korea Society of Basic Design & Art | A Design Proposal for Children's Playing Space in Childcare That Adopts the Creative Module, | Kim Myoung and Choi Kyung-ran
| 2015 |
| - 창의적 모듈 개념을 도입한 유아 놀이보육공간 디자인 제안
| 김명 ,and 최경란
| Study of Kid’s Emotional Intelligence Development Characteristic through Formative Arts Play, Song Ji-hong and Choi Kyung-ran |
| 2015 |
- 조형놀이를 통한 유아의 감성발달 특성 연구
| 송지홍 ,and 최경란
The Korean Society of Design Culture | Table Design of the Modern Living Space that Reinterpreted the Korean Traditional Dining Table -Focusing on the Application of the Heaven-Earth-Human Notion- | Lee Seul and Choi Kyung-ran
| 2015 |
| - 전통소반을 재해석한 현대주거공간의 테이블 디자인 = 천지인 개념 적용을 중심으로 | 이슬,and 최경란
Korea Society of Basic Design & Art
| Traditional Cultural Convergence and Integration Product Development for Industrial Modernization of Traditional Crafts - Focused on the Traditional Cultural Convergence and Integration Product Development Supporting Business- | Choi Kyung-ran, Kim Myoung and Park Yu-jeong
| 2015 |
| - 전통공예의 현대화 산업을 위한 전통문화융복합상품개발 방법 연구 -전통문화 융복합 상품개발 및 교육지원 사업시행을 중심으로-
| 최경란 ,김명 ,and 박유정
Institute of Science Culture, Exhibition and Design, SEOULTECH
| A Study on Play Education and Space Design for Developing Creativity of Children - Focusing on Domestic Childcare Facilities and Education Program Analysis | Choi Kyung-ran and Kim Myoung
| 2015 |
서울과학기술대학교 과학문화전시디자인연구소
| - 유아의 창의성 발달을 위한 놀이교육 프로그램 및 공간 기획 연구 -국내에서 운영중인 유아 보육시설과 프로그램 분석을 중심으로 | 최경란 ,and 김명
Korean Institute of Interior Design | A Study on Kitchen Use Behaviors through User Observation - Focused on Small-Sized Apartments in Shanghai, China - | Kim Myoung and Choi Kyung-ran
| 2015 |
| - 사용자 관찰을 통한 부엌 사용 행태 연구 - 중국 상해 소형아파트를 중심으로 -
| 김명,and 최경란
Korea Digital Design Council | Analyses on the Case Study of Living Furniture Design on the Bases of loT | Lee Seul, Chun Kye-han and Choi Kyung-ran
| 2015 |
| - 사물 인터넷을 활용한 가구디자인의 사례분석에 관한 연구
| 이슬,전계한,원하연,and 최경란
The Korean Society of Science & Art
| A Study on Furniture Design as Object by Fusion Approaching with Wood and Ceramics | Chung Yong-hyun and Choi Kyung-ran
| 2015 |
| - 목재와 도자 소재의 융합적 접근에 의한 오브제 기능의 가구 연구
| 정용현,and 최경란
| New Platform of Orientalism-Based Design Education | Choi Kyung-ran
| 2015 |
- 동양성 기반의 디자인 교육의 새로운 플랫폼 | 최경란
Korea Society of Design Science
| Violet Tulip | Lee Seul and Choi Kyung-ran
| 2015 |
| 이슬,and 최경란
| Princess Gold | Kim Myoung and Choi Kyung-ran
| 2015 |
| 김명,and 최경란
The Korean Society of Science & Art
| New Perspectives on Living Space Design Trend beyond Eastern & Western Traditional Culture - For Important Key Which Is "My Space" of Contemporary People Who Give Comfort - | Lee Seul and Choi Kyung-ran
| 2015 |
| 이슬,and 최경란
Korea Society of Design Science
| Dazzling Blue | Chung Yong-hyun and Choi Kyung-ran
| 2015 |
| 정용현,and 최경란